A Complete Diagnostic and Prescriptive Program to Optimize Individual Progress in Beginning and Remedial Reading
It works! During the past 50 years, millions of students – from young children to adults, from gifted to normal, to special students – have learned to read, using Programmed Reading.
- Presents a logical, systematic, linguistic progression of decoding and word-attack skills.
- Programmed format requires numerous active responses from every student, many more than traditional learning-to-read programs.
- Provides immediate feedback so students only practice correct responses.
- Places early emphasis on comprehension.
- Frequent repetition insures that 95% of the students respond correctly 95% of the time.
Experience has shown that the majority of students do not learn to decode the written symbols of English automatically and fluently without some direct teaching. Sullivan’s Programmed Reading is the ideal program for teaching the English sound-symbol system to both beginning readers and to remedial readers. Programmed Reading has assured success regardless of entry level and, in most cases, regardless of ability.
Programmed Reading presents decoding skills in reading context within a linguistic progression of sound-symbol relationships. There are no isolated skills drills as in traditional phonics programs. Rather, each new skill is immediately put to use in reading real content.
Programmed Reading:
- Teaches the letters symbolizing each sound in a systematic progression from the most frequently used sounds of English to the least.
- Teaches the letters in a sequence leading to the maximum number of combinations to form words from the very beginning of instruction.
- Allows each student to practice until responses become quickand easy, that is until each student develops automaticity and fluency in decoding.
Response – In this series, the material is divided into clearly defined and carefully organized segments called frames. Each presents the student with a problem to solve. Unlike ordinary texts, every student must actively respond by choosing between words, filling in missing letters, or checking correct
statements. In this way, the student’s attention is focused on the particular concept being taught. They learn to observe carefully, and through the use of functional pictures, to discriminate precisely.
Reward – Immediately after students make a response, they learn if their answer is correct. Since the program is designed to insure a 95% success rate, students are constantly being rewarded. Every teacher knows the value of a psychological pat on the back to give students both confidence and enthusiasm for reading.
Repetition – Students are given the opportunity to respond numerous times in each lesson. Each
concept is repeated several times, in different contexts, to insure mastery and retention.
Rate – Students learn to read at their own pace without the frustration of either constantly waiting for, or holding up, other students in the class. Since a great deal of time is spent working independently, students develop self-reliance and confidence.
Strengths of the Programmed Format – The series is based on the learning principles of Stimulus,
Response, Reward, and Repetition. Skills are introduced in small steps (frames). After students
respond, they move the slider down the page and check their answers in the column on the left. The students complete all of Side 1 and then turn the book around and complete Side 2. In this way
students are not exposed to the answers on the next page.
The advantages of the programmed format:
- Students are always involved in the learning process.
- Their decoding/comprehension skills are constantly checked.
- They can proceed at their own pace.
- They are assured of success.
- They only practice correct responses.
Programmed Reading, Books 1-23 provide a logical, linguistic progression, constant reinforcement, colorful art, stimulating story content, and individualized pacing.
In Series I, Books 1-7, students master 14 vowel and 24 consonant lessons and learn approximately 450 phonetically regular words, plus 10 sight words.
Series II, Books 8-15, covers 30 more vowel patterns and 10 more consonant patterns, as well as 1,750 regular words and 26 sight words.
In Series III, Books 16-23, students master an additional 28 vowel and 6 consonant lessons, 3,300 words, and 25 sight words.
Teacher’s Guides are organized by book, skill, and unit for easy classroom use. They include an overview of decoding and comprehension skills, a listing of sound-symbol and vocabulary progression as well as content summary. Each guide also provides a Reading Aloud, Dictation, Creative Writing, and Test section for each book as well as specific item-by item instruction for both corrective and remediative recycling options.
Response Booklets – One for each student book allows the programmed reader to be used as a
Blackline Masters supplement each series, providing games and activities to reinforce and extend the
concepts and skills taught in student texts.
Achievement Tests – Criterion-reinforced tests are available for each series, supplementing the in-book achievement tests. They include an item-by-item analysis of the skills tested and specific remediation for each item missed, thus providing a complete and workable diagnostic-prescriptive reading program.
Placement Tests indicate exactly where in the series to start transfer or remedial students. The tests help place students at the ability level where they are most comfortable.
Students enjoy working at their own pace, with no hands to raise or embarrassment in front of their peers. They progress quickly so have that next book ready for your students!
Reading Levels
The research conducted with students using Programmed Reading resulted in the following: at the end of Series I (Book 7), the average student was reading at a 2.5 grade level; at the end of Series II (Book 15), the average student was reading at a 4.3 grade level; at the end of Series III (Book 23), the average student was reading at a 6.2 grade level. The reading levels indicated below represent and approximate gain in reading level, based on the research results.